Tv Aur Azab-E-Qabar (Television and the Punishment of the Grave)
Meethi Eid Aur Meethi Batain (Sweet Eid and Sweet Conversations)
Bahaishti Zaiwar (Gems of Paradise)
Wazaif Majmua (Collection of Prayers)
Namaz-e-Fajar Ke Fazael (The Virtues of Fajar Prayer)
Hasn-ul-Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim)
Kitaab E Namaz (Prayer Book)
Pyare Nabi S.A.W Ki Pyari Sunnatain (The Beloved Sunnah of the Beloved Prophet S.A.W.W.)
Pyare Nabi S.A.W Ki Pyari Sunnatain (The Beloved Sunnah of the Beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H.))
Ameer-e-Ahl-e Sunnat K 121 Irshadat (121 Sayings of the Leader of Ahl-e-Sunnat)
Quran-e-Kareem Sa Mohabbat Paida Kijiay (Develop Love For The Noble Quran)
Tauba Gunahon Ka Tariyaq (Repentance: The Remedy For Sins)
Duaon Aur Dawaon Se Ilaaj (Treatment Through Prayers and Remedies)
Mahnama Ikhlas Karachi (Monthly Ikhlas Karachi)
Falah-e-Darain, Karachi (Success in Both Worlds, Karachi)