Lori Zhori (High Depth Brief Historical Overview of Pashtun, Pashto and Pashtunwali)
Jihad is not for Afghanistan, Until Imam Mehdi appears (Pashto)
Pakistan's War (2019, Pashto)
1986 Principles and Laws of Guerilla Warfare (Pashto)
Da Mujahid Kitab (The Mujahid Book Series - Friendship or Enmity)
Afghanistan Sanga Jor Savidi (How Afghanistan is Build)
Pa Kabul Ao Hind Ki Da Babar (The Reign of Babur in Kabul and India)
La Talibanu Warusta Pa Afghanistan ki Daulat (After Taliban, Wealth Creation in Afghanistan)
Bain-ul-Afghani Ghundai Moscow (The First And Second Inter-Afghan Meetings in Moscow)
Taliban Pa Japan Ke (Taliban in Japan)
Da Ghaza Tyari (Preparation Of Gaza)
Fikri Bedari Ao Pashtana (Pashtuns And Intellectual Awakening)
Islam Ao Rujj'at Pasandi (Islam And Regressiveness)
Islam Ao Da Jins Masla (Islam And The Issue of Gender)
Da Guantanamo 3 Bandiyan (3 Prisoners of Guantanamo)
220 Urdu Erotica from Pakistan: Spanning Two Dictatorships 1970s-2000s
26 Issues of Monthly Shabistan, Lahore (1956-67, Urdu)
41 Issues of Hawaa (1958-79, Arabic)
72 Issues of Weekly Al-Hilal (1912-1913, Urdu, British India)
23 Issues of Eastern Film Magazine (1961-1972, Pakistan)
450 Issues of Keyhan Verzishi Magazine (1953-1979, Iran)
164 Issues of Zan-e-Rooz Magazine (1967-1978, Iran)
116 Issues of Bamshad Magazine (1956-1968, Iran)
21 Issues of Soviet Union Illustrated Monthly (1983-1986, Soviet Union, Urdu)
354 Issues of Karikator Magazine (1972-1980, Iran)
200 Posters of Turkish Erotic Film (1970s-1980s, Türkiye)
1950s-1970s Rare Urdu Film Stories | 400 stories
54 Issues of Musavvir Magazine (1930s-1940s, British India)
80 Issues of Film Art (1950s-1960s, India)
34 Issues of Al-Islah (1940s, British India)
The Alphabet of Jehaad Literacy Vol. 2 (1986, Afghanistan)
7 Issues of Taj Monthly (1924, British India)
750 Issues of Akhbar-e-Khawateen (1964-1986, Pakistan)
5000 Posters of Pakistani Film Collection (1948-2018, Pakistan)
493 Issues of Towfigh (1923-1971, Iran)
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